WingtraOne Support with Propeller

Who should you go to with questions about using your WingtraOne drone with Propeller?

Unboxing Icon.png Drone Acquisition Questions Contact
Who should I contact? Wingtra Sales
I have some initial questions. Could I see a demo? Wingtra Sales
I'm interested in purchasing. Propeller Sales & Wingtra Sales
Checklist Icon.png Pre-Flight Questions Contact Helpful Links/Tips
What steps must I take when unboxing the drone and preparing for my first flight? Wingtra & Dealer Support Register your drone
Know your equipment
How do I get my drone registered in Propeller? Propeller Hardware Support Registering a Drone in Propeller
How do I get my drone registered with the FAA? What about airspace requirements? Wingtra & Dealer Support FAADroneZone
How to Check Airspace Restrictions
What are the hardware limitations of this drone? Wingtra Support Technical Specifications
Before you go into the field
What happens if the drone breaks or there is a crash? Is there a warranty? Wingtra & Dealer Support Contact Wingtra Support
WingtraOne Hardware Warranty
How do I properly care for the drone? How do I update the firmware? Wingtra & Dealer Support Maintenance of WingtraOne
Update WingtraPilot and WingtraOne
Data Collection Icon.png Data Collection Questions Contact Helpful Links/Tips
How do I plan a mission? What settings should I use? What makes a good takeoff location? Wingtra & Dealer Support WingtraPilot Settings
Setup your flight plan
Prepare for Takeoff
I am trying to plan a mission using a KML file and need help. Wingtra & Dealer Support Using KML files for flight planning
How do I plan a linear/corridor mission? Wingtra & Dealer Support Corridor Mapping
What should I be paying attention to while flying?
How do I land the drone?
Wingtra & Dealer Support During the Flight
Reposition for Landing
Do I need to use ground control?
Can I use AeroPoints with WingtraOne?
Propeller Customer Success How to Use Ground Control
What are AeroPoints?
Using Propeller PPK with the WingtraOne
I'm in the field and having a problem (drone won’t connect, won't take off, calibration, etc.) Wingtra & Dealer Support Troubleshooting
Reboot the drone and try again. If that fails, try the takeoff from a different direction.
Download flight logs and open support ticket.
Contact your distributer
I have a question about airspace. Should I be flying here? Wingtra & Dealer Support How to Check Airspace Restrictions
How does updating the firmware work? Wingtra & Dealer Support Update WingtraPilot and WingtraOne
Update WingtraHub
I want to fly manually. What do I need to know? Wingtra & Dealer Support Manual flying
Reposition for Landing
Are there recommended SD cards? Wingtra & Dealer Support Only use recommended SD cards
Only use SD cards included with your WingtraOne purchase.
Order more from Wingtra
reformatting the SD card
How do I know if everything was captured properly? Wingtra & Dealer Support "Success" message after flight
Check the DATA folder if the SBF file exists and has data (>0 KB)
See post
Flight Feedback
Missing Data After a Flight
Camera Troubleshooting
Data Upload Icon.png Data Upload & Processing Questions Contact Helpful Links/Tips
How do I get data off AeroPoints? The AeroPoint won’t connect to my hotspot. Propeller Hardware Support AeroPoint 2 Troubleshooting
AeroPoint 1 Troubleshooting
How do I set up a site in Propeller? Choosing a coordinate system? Propeller Customer Success How to Create a New Site in the Propeller Platform
How do I geotag photos using WingtraHub if not using Propeller PPK? Wingtra & Dealer Support PPK Geotagging
Variations in base stations, image correction software, and ground control can cause confusion here.
Most issues can be resolved by ensuring the GNSS correction methods of the drone match with the base and control.
Please consult Wingtra Support with questions.
How do I upload drone data and ground control points? What filters should I choose? Propeller Customer Success Uploading PPK Survey Dataset
Uploading Geotagged Photos
Filtering Data
How do I add design files to the Propeller platform? Propeller Customer Success Upload Design Surface Data
Working with DXF Design Files
Uploading Linework to Propeller
Post Processing Icon.png Post-Processing Questions Contact Helpful Links/Tips
How can I check my data’s accuracy? Propeller Customer Success What is the Processing Report?
How do I use the Propeller platform? Propeller Customer Success Getting Started with the Propeller Platform


I still can’t do it! 

For AeroPoint issues, please contact the Propeller hardware support team by emailing

For WingtraOne questions, please contact Wingtra Support at

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