How to Compare Design Files

The Design to Design tool in the Platform allows you to measure the difference between separate design files without uploading a Design file as a survey. 

For example, if you have an original topo from a rover, you can compare this with your finished grade. This tool is especially useful for comparing what is happening currently on your site (Compare from) to the future or finished design (Compare to). 

From the Polygon measurement in the toolbar, select Area Progress.

Measurement Toolbar Polygon Example.png

Use the Magic Polygon tool, or draw a polygon around the area on the site you want to compare. Once the polygon is complete, select a design to Compare from and a design to Compare to in the information panel.

Select the designs you want to compare in both the From Surface and To Surface categories.

To compare designs, they must overlap.
Surface Comparison Design to Design.png

The Design to Design tool will calculate the volume between the two design files where they overlap. 

Change measurement units

Select the most appropriate distance, area, volume, and density measurement unit from the dropdown menu. This makes it easy to move between imperial and metric units as needed and create reports in your preferred units.

Click the Measurement template dropdown to quickly change between the different measurement templates. 

Change Measurement Units Polygon.png

You can CREATE NEW TEMPLATE to save the current measurement information for future use. The new template will appear in the Polygon tool in the measurement toolbar.

Click the two arrows between the surveys to swap the Compare from and Compare to designs easily. Notice how the Cut/Fill and Net adjusted from the change.

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, you can connect with our support team by clicking the support button on the top right corner of your user portal.

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