Use the Truck Load Count feature in the DirtMate Dashboard to automate daily production tracking, eliminate estimation and reduce human error.
For trucks and excavators with DirtMate installed, you can now view:
- Truck load counts across the site
- Hourly breakdown of load count per machine
- Average cycle duration
- Average loading duration
Select DIRTMATE from the top menu bar.
Using the dropdown menus, Pick an Area, then Pick a Time frame.
Alternatively, you can choose from Quick selection, All areas, or use the search bar.
Expand View options and ensure the Truck Load Counts widget is selected in the menu.
Please note: The Load Count widget will ONLY show data for sites that have machines with DirtMates that are treated as either a loader or as trucks for the selected time period. Please contact the Site Support team if you need help configuring your machines.
Scroll down to the Truck Load Counts table.
You can toggle between BY TRUCK, BY LOADING MACHINE, or BY DUMP LOCATION to view load events for the truck(s), loading machines(s), or dump locations being tracked.
Click on any machine in the list to view an hourly breakdown of the load counts, plus the average cycle and loading durations for that machine in detail.
You can click arrows to move between the hourly ranges for more detailed information. If a time period has no load counts recorded, it will automatically skip that hour.
Click on the chart to view more information for a particular time frame or day (if viewing multiple days in a time frame).
Click the download icon in the top-right corner of the chart to download a .csv file with the load cycle data directly to your computer.
How do we calculate load counts?
We automatically detect load counts when an excavator with DirtMate installed comes within 17 meters of a truck with DirtMate installed for at least 20 seconds. Both machines must have DirtMate installed to record a load event.
- If a load event is triggered within 2.5 minutes of each other, it is considered one single event.
- When a single truck is close to two excavators, it is also considered one event.
- To improve performance with missing data, if the excavator's position is unknown for up to 2.5 minutes, the last known position is used.
I still can't do it!
We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.
If you're stuck, the Propeller Site Support team may be able to help. You can contact our support team by emailing
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