How to Analyze Haul Route Speeds in the DirtMate Dashboard

DirtMate's automated Haul Route Speed Analysis helps sites maximize the efficiency of haul routes, increase productivity and utilization, and keep costs down by reducing wasted fuel burn and maintenance.

To start, head to the DirtMate Dashboard and select the work area you want to view. 

Make sure that Machine and Trails is turned on in the right-hand menu.

Select any machine and click on the Analyze Haul Route to the left hand side of your map. 

Once analysis has been triggered, you will be able to see the following information:

  • Color-coded machine trails give you an instant look at where machines are moving too slowly.

  • Machine name and duration of analysis.
  • The color key can be found underneath the map.
  • Monitor the average, minimum, and maximum speeds reached to ensure your fleet operates as efficiently as possible.

If you select a different time period or machine, these numbers and color-coding will be updated to reflect your new settings. 

Configuring haul route speed analysis

If the default route analysis minimum and/or maximum is not appropriate for the operations your machines are doing, you can change the minimum and maximum (and thus the range and resolution) of the speed gradient.

To change these defaults, click the gear icon on the right-hand side of the gradient below the map.

You will then be able to set a new minimum and maximum by dragging each of the slides to the desired limit. The new minimum and maximum will be reflected in the overlay for speed analysis in the top left corner of the map above “exit analysis.”

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, the Propeller support team may be able to help. You can contact our support team by emailing or by clicking the support tab on the top-right corner of the portal.