Best Practices: Composite Surveys

The Composite Survey tool allows you to fly and upload worksite surveys in smaller sections and merge them with other surveys to form a complete and up-to-date view of the whole worksite without the need to fly the entire site. Thus, you can visualize, measure, and report on the entire site more frequently with less time and effort in capturing data.

There are currently some limitations with the Composite Survey Tool that you should be aware of so that you can successfully create composite surveys every time.

Terrain Cleanups

Terrain Cleanups allows you to remove inaccuracies or features, such as vehicles & stockpiles, or bridges, from your terrain model to calculate accurate earthwork quantities. While you can still use Terrain Cleanups on your partial surveys, it is not available on a composite survey yet. However, any Terrain Cleanup created on a partial survey will flow through and render on a composite survey.

A refresh may be required to see any Terrain Cleanups on your Composite Survey, and it could take up to 5 minutes to update completely.

Measurements & comparisons

Currently, any Composite Survey you create in your portal will sit directly on the base map instead of a survey map.  This will not affect your measurements. However, all comparisons between surveys and designs will use the most current partial survey to compare against. 

This is also true if you have any overlap between two partial surveys. If you compare a Composite Survey and a previous survey where there is overlap, the most recent partial survey will be used. If you would like to compare against the older survey, you can edit the boundaries to eliminate overlap.

Using point cloud data

When using point cloud data, it is possible to create a composite survey from the terrain created from the point cloud data.  However, you cannot export the merged point cloud data from the Composite Survey. You can still export point cloud data from the partial surveys.

Deleting partial surveys

When creating a Composite Survey, it is important to note that if one or more of the partial surveys are deleted from your project, it will delete that survey from the Composite Survey too. Creating a composite will not retain the data from the original partial surveys if you delete the partial survey from your portal. 

To eliminate any accidental data loss, please do not delete any partial surveys even if you have used them to create a Composite Survey.

Limit the number of datasets you can merge at once

There is currently a limit of 25 datasets that can be merged into a Composite Survey.

Check out our FAQs for Composite Surveys to learn more.

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, you can connect with our support team by clicking the support button on the top right corner of your user portal.

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