Propeller Integrations

The Propeller platform offers several third-party software integrations that allow the export of large files, such as orthophotos, terrain, DXFs, and point cloud, directly into other construction management software.

What third-party software is supported?

  • Procore
  • BIM 360
  • Aconex
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Autodesk Build
  • Trimble Connect

Please note that the Trimble Connect integration is only available if you are a Stratus customer and logged in to your Stratus portal.

The Microsoft OneDrive PUSH TO integration can only be used with a Microsoft OneDrive Business account.

How does it work?

From the OUTPUTS tab, select Files.


This opens all the files available for your site. You can scroll through All Files or narrow your search by selecting a category.

Outputs Survey Files All Files List.png

Click on the file to expand the options, then click on PUSH TO.


Select the file destination. If you haven't done so already, you must connect your Propeller account to the integrated account by following the prompts.




Click on Continue.



Once connected, you'll need to log in to your third-party account to export your file.

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, you can connect with our support team by clicking the support button on the top right corner of your user portal.

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