In this training module, you will learn how to submit a custom unlock in the United States with DJI’s Flysafe portal and a 107 waiver in the FAA’s Drone Zone portal. Custom unlocks are used with your Part 107 FAA waiver to allow you to legally fly your drone in restricted airspace or when exceeding an altitude zone.
Visit PropellerU for more on-demand training videos, webinars, and supporting documentation to help you start using Propeller with confidence!
Want to learn more?
How to Check Airspace Restrictions
Unlock airspace using DJI Fly Safe
LAANC Authorization Using AirMap
I still can't do it!
We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.
If you're stuck, the Propeller hardware support team may be able to help. You can contact them by emailing
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