How to Organize and Manage Your Homepage

You can organize your portal’s homepage by grouping and starring (favorite) sites for easy access, marking old sites as “inactive,” and hiding them from your default homepage view.

Accessing sites

Marking a site as a favorite

Assigning a site as a favorite is a quick way to access them. They will be the first group listed on the homepage.

Stared Sites on the Homepage.png

To favorite or star a site, click the star at the bottom corner of the site tile. Filled in stars are favorited sites.

Star Site on the Homepage.png

To remove a site as a favorite, click the star. 

UNStar Site on the Homepage.png

Make sites Active or Inactive

Sites that you want to retain data but don't need to see regularly can be made Inactive. Click on the three-dot menu in the site's thumbnail and select "inactive."

Make Site Inactive.png

You'll be asked to confirm your selection. This hides the site from your default homepage view.

Confirm Inactive.png

To make an inactive site active again, click on the three dots menu and select Make site "active."

Make Site Active.png

If you can't find the site on your homepage, you may have the filter set to show only active sites. Make sure the filter includes Inactive or All Sites.

Filter For All Sites on the Homepage.png

Searching for a site

There are a few ways you can find a site on your homepage. You can type in the name of the site in the search bar.

Search for a site in the searchbar.png

Use the dropdown to sort your sites by Last Modified, Recent Survey, and Date Created, to name a few.

Sort Sites on the Homepage.png

Or, you can filter your sites on the homepage to only include the sites you want to see when you log in.

Filter Sites on the Homepage.png

Group sites

Creating groups within your portal makes it easy to organize your work or move finished projects from your homepage without deleting data.

Create a new group

There are a couple of ways you can create a new group.

1.  The first way is to simply check the box of each site you want to include and then select GROUP.

Select Multiple Sites to Group.png

Move to or group button.png

Name the Site group and click CREATE NEW GROUP.

Name Site Group.png

This method immediately adds the site you choose to include as you create it. The new group can be found under Your sites on the homepage.

New Group Sites.png

2.  Alternatively, you can create a new site group without immediately adding sites. From the +CREATE NEW dropdown menu, select SITE GROUP.

Create New Site or Site Group or Invite Members.png

Name the Site group and click CREATE NEW GROUP.

Name Site Group.png

New Group Sites.png

You can add sites by clicking the checkbox at the top corner of the site tile to select the sites you want to add to the group.

Select Sites to Group.png

Once you’ve selected all the sites you want to add to the site group you created, click MOVE TO.

Move to or group button.png

Using the methods outlined above, you can also create a group within a site group. Three levels of groups are allowed.

Moving sites 

Move between site groups

To move a site from one group to another, select the site you want to move and click MOVE TO.

You’ll notice an arrow next to a site group with many levels. Make sure to click the arrow if you don’t see the group you want to move to.

Site Group Layers.png

Move back to the homepage

To move a site from a group back to the homepage, select it and click MOVE TO.

Click the arrow next to the site name. 

Move out of site group back to homepage.png

Select the portal and click MOVE TO.

Move site to homepage select.png

Deleting a site group

To delete a site group, click the three dots menu and select Ungroup

Site groups ungroup and delete.png

Click UNGROUP AND DELETE to confirm.

Any site in that group will be moved back to the homepage, and the group will be deleted. 

Site groups ungroup and delete confirm.png


Who can create Site groups?

Anyone who can manage the organization - so the same people who can create sites.

Who can see Site groups?

Any users with access to a site within that group

I have a lot of sites listed on my homepage. How do I find what I am looking for?

Use the favorite (or star) feature to move frequently visited sites to the top of the homepage.

You can also search and sort sites from the homepage and within groups. Under Your sites, use the search bar or sort function to find what you’re looking for.

Can I favorite a site group?

Not at this time.

Can I view my sites on a map instead?

Yes. Click the VIEW BY tool to switch between map view and gallery view. This will show all the sites in your portal.

View by Tool on the Homepage.png

How many characters are allowed in the folder name?

100 characters.

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, you can connect with our support team by clicking the support button on the top right corner of your user portal.

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