If you are geotagging your images, one method is using the Exiftool to create a .csv file with latitude/longitude/altitude to upload with your survey data.
Things you’ll need
- exiftool.exe properly installed
- A comma-separated value (CSV) file with your geotags
- Photos that need to be geotagged
Installing ExifTool
Extract the file, remove the (-k) from the name, and place it in the Windows folder on the computer’s hard drive.
CSV with the geotags
Ensure the CSV file has the headings shown in the screenshot below. The last three columns are optional. Those in the US will need to use N and W in the gpslatituderef and gpslongituderef columns rather than S and E.
To add the file extension:
1. With your file names in column A, insert two extra columns to the right of column A with the original file names.
2. In the new column B, enter the file extension (for example, ".JPG" if the file extension is JPG).
3. In the new column C, enter "=CONCAT(A1, A2)."
4. Copy column C.
5. "Paste Special" into column C, selecting the text-only option. This will replace the formulas in column C with the concatenated text.
6. Rename column C "Sourcefile."
7. Delete the original column A and column B.
8. Save the file as a CSV.
9. Name the file FlightLog.csv.
Running ExifTool
1. Create a folder on your computer and name it "exifrun" (In this example, the folder was created in the Documents folder).
2. Within that folder, create another folder called "georef."
3. Place all the photos that need to be geotagged and the FlightLog.csv file in the exifrun folder.
4. Launch the command prompt and “cd” to the exifrun folder.
5. Run the following command. exiftool -csv=FlightLog.csv -o ./georef. (Do not forget the "." at the end).
Tip: Right-clicking on the command line will paste whatever you have copied to the clipboard.
6. The geotagged photos will exist in the georef folder
Ensure C:\Windows is in your PATH by following the below steps.
1. Go to Settings and choose Edit the system environment variables.
2. Select Environment Variables
3. Click Path and then Edit
4. Check to see if C:\Windows exists. If it does not, add it by going to New.
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