This article will guide you through creating a mission for your Phantom 4 RTK using the Block Segmentation mode. This mode is especially useful when flying larger missions as it lets you control how you want the mission split up. This is important as for larger missions, as you need to maintain a line of sight of your drone.
Previously, before block segmentation, it was difficult to control how you split up larger missions when flying your Phantom 4 RTK.
For large areas that required multiple batteries, you had three options—You could wait for the battery to run out and for the drone to return to home (RTH), you could pause the drone at a convenient location, or you could manually split up the flight into smaller chunks.
All of these options have their issues. Waiting for the battery to drain or pausing the mission can create inefficiencies as the aircraft may have to travel a long way to resume the mission. Splitting a flight into smaller chunks requires you to ensure sufficient overlap between images. If this is not calculated correctly, your images may not have sufficient features to produce an accurate model. Also, you'll need to individually set the camera and mission settings for each sub-mission.
Block Segmentation will split your overall mission into smaller sub-missions for you and will only require you to set the mission parameters once. It will also ensure that overlaps and other characteristics are correct.
- Phantom 4 RTK
- Aircraft Firmware: v02.02.0011
- Phantom 4 RTK Remote Controller Firmware: v02.02.0014
- DJI GS RTK App Version: v2.1.1
Before you start
- You should already be familiar with mission planning with GS RTK and the basic functionality of the app. If you are not, check out this link to learn more about mission planning.
Plan a new block segmentation mission
Select the Plan button on the GS RTK home screen and then select Block Segmentation as the planning method.
Select your flight area as usual by tapping on the screen and create points to create a boundary for the polygon. These are shown as purple dots on the base map. The Block Segmentation feature allows you to split up a mission by defining a grid overlaid on the flight area.
To change the dimensions of the grid, you can modify the Segment Size by using the plus (+) and minus (-) in the red box, as shown in the image below. To change the orientation of the grid, you can either use the plus and minus in the teal box or drag the yellow dot around (as designated by the teal arrow in the image below).
Merging and splitting segments
Tap Next to view the segments.
You can merge or split by clicking on a segment or multiple segments.
For example, if you have a larger segment you wish to break up, use the Split button. To merge smaller segments, use Merge.
Once you are happy with your segments, tap Save and set your mapping parameters as normal.
To begin your mission, tap Invoke. GS RTK will then give you the option of selecting which block number you wish to fly.
Select the appropriate block and begin your mission. Happy Flying!
I still can't do it!
We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.
If you're stuck, the Propeller hardware support team may be able to help. You can contact them by emailing
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