If you fly a Trinity F90+, you can use the Propeller PPK workflow to process the images with high accuracy (5cm). For most sites, the Phantom 4 RTK (P4R) or Mavic 3 Enterprise (M3E) with the Propeller PPK workflow will be sufficient, but a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) drone for certain sites or situations such as the Trinity F90/F90+ is the better solution.
Data Capture
When using a Trinity F90/F90+ there are some considerations you must make to produce as accurate of a model as possible.
Ground Control
Although AeroPoint 2s are required for most situations, there are circumstances where a model can be produced with only the use of AeroPoint 1s, such as sites located in the Propeller Corrections Network (PCN) and set up on a published coordinate system. Please see the figure below for Propeller PPK with a Quantum drone for specific ground control requirements.
Data download
The Quantum Trinity F90+ requires you to have Quantum’s QBase 3D downloaded on your computer. The flight log files need to be downloaded to create a “.prop” file in Qbase. This “.prop” file, the .ubx file, and the jpeg files will be used during PPK data upload to Propeller.
Camera and Mission Settings
For any questions on troubleshooting, drone setup, using Qbase 3D, etc, please refer to the Quantum Trinity F90+ Manual.
I still can't do it!
We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.
If you're stuck, the Propeller hardware support team may be able to help. You can contact them by emailing hardwaresupport@propelleraero.com.au.
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