How to Upload Pre-processed Data


  • To create a 3D model, you will need a digital elevation model (DEM) and an orthophoto GeoTIFF file.
  • If you upload more than one GeoTIFF file to your portal, they must have unique names, and your orthomosaic should be 4 bands RGB+Alpha (instead of 5 bands).
  • Your DEM should have a 32-bit floating-point sampling. Integer sampling creates a stepped elevation phenomenon across the model, making it unreliable.
  • The DEM and Orthophoto must be attached to a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) and in the same CRS as the site you are uploading to.

Outputs produced

  • One digital elevation model (DEM) and/or one orthophoto GeoTIFF file for viewing in the platform.

Uploading pre-processed data to your portal

Click the DATA PROCESSING tab and choose +UPLOAD NEW SURVEY. Choose an existing site, or CREATE NEW SITE.


In the dropdown menu, choose an existing site or CREATE A NEW SITE for the pre-processed data.

Create_a_new_site.pngSelect Pre-processed data for the data type you are submitting and click NEXT.


Next, you can either browse for the data files or drag and drop them in the uploader tool.

If you need a 3D model, you must upload both the DEM file (DSM or DTM Geotiff) and the orthophoto simultaneously.

If your site has been set up using a local grid, make sure to check the CRS of the pre-processed data matches the CRS used to set up your site.

A maximum of one orthophoto and one DEM is supported.

Once your file selection has been checked and is valid, click NEXT to proceed.

Dataset details

Set the dataset name and dataset capture date.

  • The capture date/time will determine where the dataset lies on the timeline view and is defaulted from the capture time of the first submitted image. 
  • In order to choose a time, click the time panel at the bottom of the date selector. Click elsewhere on the screen to close the date selector dialogue.


The dataset name is how this dataset will be referred to in the Viewer and is defaulted to the dataset date. We recommend giving this a name that distinguishes it from other datasets produced on the same day.

Click NEXT to proceed.


The next page summarizes the details and the processing outputs we will create on your new dataset. Each card can be clicked to return to the relevant section for revision.

Once you click SUBMIT, your request will be finalized, and your files will begin uploading.


Once submitted, you can track the progress of the upload of your files. Do not close the window or navigate away from this page, or your upload will be canceled. If your internet connection is interrupted, a message will be displayed. Leave your browser window open and your computer running, and the upload will automatically resume when possible.

DataUpload_ProgressBar.pngOnce your files have completed uploading, you will see a confirmation pop-up. It is now safe to navigate away from the page. An email with view permission on your selected site will be sent to all Propeller users.


I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, you can connect with our support team by clicking the support button on the top right corner of your user portal.

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