Setting the Correct Band Information for Orthophotos Using QGIS

In uploading preprocessed data, it's important to make sure your dataset is correctly formatted before uploading. Otherwise, it might not pass data validation.

If the color bands of the submitted image are out of order, you will encounter an error for orthophoto upload. Our system will deem the file invalid. The file must be manually rewritten to contain the correct band information.


1. Launch QGIS and import the orthophoto.

2. Ensure that your data is an RGB image (contains color information for red, green, and blue channels) by checking if its bit depth ranges from 8 to 24 bits per pixel or higher. (Normally, grayscale is in 2 to 8 bits).

To check this, right-click your image, select Properties, and select the Details tab.

Check the Bit depth information under the Image section.

3. Once confirmed that the image data has the correct bit-depth value, import the raster into the QGIS platform. Under the Layer Panel, right-click the image layer and navigate to Properties.

4. This will prompt the Layer Properties Dialogue Box. Navigate to the Style Tab and set the proper bands to their correct band channel. Click Apply, then OK.

5. On the Transparency tab, set the Transparency band to Alpha. This will make the background of the orthophoto transparent.

QGIS Transparency Alpha.png

6. In the Layer Panel, right-click the image layer again, then select Save As.

7. Choose geoTIFF as the file format. Select Rendered Image as output mode and set the correct coordinate reference system.

8. Upload the corrected orthophoto in the Propeller Platform.

I still can't do it!

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