What Are AeroPoints?

AeroPoints are Propeller's smart ground control points designed for fast, highly accurate photogrammetry-based surveying with small drones. They can be used with several supported drones and any processing software. Combined with the browser-based Propeller Platform, they make capturing and delivering accurate, georeferenced drone-based surveys exceptionally simple. 

Currently, there are two versions of AeroPoints with slight differences. Both versions function the same.

  AeroPoint 1s AeroPoint 2s
  AeroPoints 1 Image.png AeroPoints 2 Image.png
Minimum GPS Fix Time 45 minutes 10 minutes
Minimum PPK Drone Flight Time: 10 minutes 2 minutes
Number of Constellations Observed: up to 3 up to 5
Baseline Distance: 35 km 50 km
Maximum Capture time: 5 hours 8 hours
AeroPoints App: NO YES

Which version do I have?

The easiest way to tell them apart is the charging port. If your AeroPoint does not have a charging port and relies on solar, it is an AeroPoint 1.  If your AeroPoint has a charging port, it is an AeroPoint 2.

AeroPoint 2s charging port.png

For more general information about AeroPoints, including purchasing, please see the product and the AeroPoints FAQ pages. You can also consult the AeroPoints user manual.

You will find additional literature on AeroPoints in our help center, including an article about the different methods of processing AeroPoint surveys and using AeroPoints with the PPK workflow.

Want to learn more?

To get the most out of your AeroPoints, check out our collection of AeroPoint articles, including:

AeroPoint Essentials

How are AeroPoint 2s Different from the Original AeroPoints?

AeroPoint 2 Light Patterns and Modes

Introduction to the AeroPoints App

Managing Mixed Fleets of AeroPoints

PPK Workflow with AeroPoints

Data Quality of AeroPoint Surveys

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, the Propeller hardware support team may be able to help. You can contact them by emailing hardwaresupport@propelleraero.com.au.

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