How to Calibrate the Vision System on the Phantom 4 RTK Drone

The Vision System uses ultrasound and image data to help the aircraft maintain its current position, enabling precision hovering indoors or in environments where a GNSS signal is unavailable. The Vision System constantly scans for obstacles, allowing the aircraft to avoid them by going over, around, or hovering. - DJI Phantom 4 RTK User Manual.

The primary function of the Vision System for drone surveying is obstacle avoidance. Do not turn off obstacle avoidance unless absolutely necessary. If you are considering turning it off, please contact your customer success engineer or Propeller support

If you are seeing a Vision System error, first clean the sensors with a microfiber cloth. Then, turn the drone off and on again. If the error persists, try calibrating the Vision System. 

How to calibrate the Vision System

DJI Support released a video in June 2016 on calibrating the Vision System. You can use that video or the steps below. 

1. Turn on the drone and connect it to your computer using the micro USB cable that came with the drone. 

The micro USB cable port is next to the microSD card slot (labeled 12 in the diagram below). 

2. Launch DJI Assistant. Ensure you download the latest version of DJI Assistant 2 for Phantom onto your computer. 

3. Click on your Phantom 4 RTK. 

4. Click on Calibration. 

5. Read through the tutorial. Then click Calibrate Now. 

6. Follow the instructions on the left-hand side of the screen. There are four steps in each stage of the calibration. You will need to calibrate the forward, downward, and rear sensors. 

It is crucial that you hold the drone at the same height and distance from your computer screen while only tilting and rotating the aircraft to aim at the blue box on the screen.


7. After you calibrate the sensors, the calibration will be calculated. Do not unplug the drone during this calculation. 

8. After the calibration is complete, you will need to restart your drone. 

9. Unplug the drone from your computer and close the DJI Assistant. 

Before your first flight, make sure you have done all other calibrations (compass, IMU, remote controller, and gimbal). We recommend you do these calibrations whenever prompted by the controller and every few months to ensure your drone is in good working order. 

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, the Propeller hardware support team may be able to help. You can contact them by emailing

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