If you fly a drone or a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) as part of your job and you don’t hold a Remote Pilot License (RePL), you will now need an RPA operator accreditation. You must also register your drone(s) or RPA(s) by January 28, 2021.
Please visit the CASA website for details and to familiarize yourself with the new regulations and requirements.
How to obtain accreditation
Accreditation is free and available online on the myCASA website.
1. Create an account or sign in to the myCASA website.
2. Add your existing aviation reference number (ARN) or apply for a new number.
3. Provide proof of identity by choosing the appropriate option.
4. Select Individual account.
5. Select RPA operator accreditation.
6. Read through and acknowledge the RPA operator accreditation.
7. Next, you’ll begin the Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) operator accreditation quiz.
8. Pass with a score of 85% or higher.
Once you have passed the accreditation quiz, you can download your certificate, which is valid for three years.
After January 28, 2021, you can be fined up to $11,100 for flying a drone for business purposes without a valid RPA operator accreditation certificate or RePL. An authorized representative of CASA or a member of the Australian Federal Police or state and territory police services may also ask you to produce your RPA operator accreditation certificate or RePL.
How to register your drone
Under the new regulations, you must register any drone used for business purposes with the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority by January 28, 2021. Registering your drone is available for free online if registered before June 30, 2021, and is valid for 12 months. Visit the CASA drone registration page for more information, or watch this video for step by step instructions.
1. Sign in or create an account on the myCASA website.
2. Apply for a new aviation reference number (ARN) or add your existing one. If you are registering a drone on behalf of a business, you will also need an organization ARN.
3. Provide proof of identity by choosing the appropriate option.
4. Select Individual account or organizational account to register your drone.
5. Select Drone registration and then Begin drone registration.
6. Select the drone manufacturer from the drop-down menu.
7. Select the drone model for the drop-down menu.
If the drone’s manufacturer is not listed in the drop-down menu, choose “other manufacturer” or “home built” and provide the information in the text boxes, including the manufacturer name, model name, drone category, and drone weight.
8. Enter the drone’s serial number.
9. Provide information on the drone’s registration status in other countries.
10. Review the information and add additional drones if you are registering more than one.
11. Read through and acknowledge the decoration by checking the checkbox.
12. Click submit.
If you would like more information, CASA support is best equipped to answer any questions regarding the new regulations and requirements.
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