How Do I Add a Base DirtMate to My Existing DirtMate Site?

A base DirtMate is installed in a fixed location acting as a reference for the roving DirtMates. If the existing base DirtMate on the site needs to be moved and/or replaced, then it needs to be updated by using the management app.

Deactivating a Base DirtMate

A site can only have one Base DirtMate at a time, so the first step is to end or deactivate the current Base DirtMate setup before setting up the new one. 

1. Open the DirtMate management application and select the DirtMate Sites tab. 

DirtMate Management DirtMate Sites.png

2. Then, select the Base DirtMate tab to open the Base DirtMate settings.

DirtMate Add Base DirtMate.png

3. Once open, you will see all the details for the setup of the existing Base DirtMate installation, including the Serial Number of the DirtMate that is currently active.

 Setup Existing Base DirtMate installation.png

4. Tap the pencil and the DEACTIVATE BASE DIRTMATE button in red to edit the current base setup.

Edit and Deactivate Base DirtMate.png

5. This page is designed to double-check that you intend to deactivate this Base DirtMate. Ending the Base DirtMate will stop new DirtMate surfaces from generating until a new Base is established.

Confirm Deactivate DirtMate.png

Adding a new Base Dirtmate

1. The new Base DirtMate must be powered on to establish a new Base DirtMate.

The power LED will illuminate, and if it is in the sun (or plugged in), it will blink, indicating that it is charging. The network LED will blink slowly as it connects to the Network Gateway and rapidly as it transmits data.

2. Choose either of these two methods to obtain the coordinates of the new base DirtMate.

Add Base Coordinates DirtMate.png

  • Manually enter GPS coordinates by selecting Enter coordinates manually.
    To do this, you must use GPS coordinates recorded by a GPS Rover. If this new DirtMate is in the same location as the old one, it can be helpful to verify this location before inputting the same known point.

DirtMate Base Manually Enter Coordinates.png

  • Enter the Easting, Elevation, and Northing coordinates for the position of the Base DirtMate, and enter a Valid from time (the time the Base DirtMate was set in its new physical location).

Add a Base DirtMate Coordinates and Valid Date.png

  • Propeller corrections network. You do not need a GPS Rover for this method.

The option will not be highlighted if you are not within a PCN or If your site uses local corrections.

Add Base Coordinates DirtMate.png

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, the Propeller Site Support team may be able to help. You can contact our support team by emailing

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