How To Use Alignments

Alignments are used in construction to define the path of a linear project or linear features within a project. When used with their respective stations (sometimes called chainages) and offsets, locations can be more simply referenced, facilitating communication and collaboration throughout a project.  

With alignments in Propeller, you can use familiar and consistent communication to locate, measure, and markup while referencing position in your familiar station and offset language.

Please note that vertical alignments are currently not supported.

Getting started

You will need a suitable LandXML file to upload into the Platform to get started. If you don't have one, you can do one of the following:

  1. Request a LandXML file from your design team.
  2. Generate a LandXML file using tools like OpenRoads Designer or Trimble Business Centre. These solutions can be used to create a horizontal alignment and display stationing.
  3. If you use Autodesk Civil 3D, you can create alignments in many ways such as creating them from objects, and using the Alignment Layout Tools.

Alignments are available to use on your desktop and the Propeller mobile app.

How to upload LandXML files


Alignments in LandXML files have several geometries (line, curve, spirals). We currently support the clothoid spiral type.

From the DESIGNS tab, click UPLOAD DESIGN.

Upload a Design.png

Drag and drop or UPLOAD FILES directly into the platform.

Upload files Alignments.png

You’ll see a notification that your LandXML file is processing, and you’ll see another one when it’s complete. 

Design File Notifications.png

Once the file has been correctly imported, you’ll see a unique icon next to it.

Alignments Icon.png

Activate or deactivate the alignment on your desktop

You can access the alignment file in the DESIGNS tab. To visualize the alignment, click the eyeball icon next to the file.

Inactive Alignment.png

To activate an alignment, simply click on it in the map view or right click on it and toggle on Activate alignment.

Activate Alignment.png

Please note that while you can turn on several alignments to view on the map, only one can be active at a time.

You’ll notice the active alignment will display the labels and turn yellow. 

Once activated, you can reference the station and offset position of your cursor relative to that alignment.

Desktop - See station and offset - GIF.gif

To deactivate an alignment, right click on it and toggle on Deactivate alignment. If you have more than one alignment, you can click on another to deactivate your current selection and activate a new one.

Deactivate Alignment.png

Mobile app

Alignments on the Propeller Mobile app give in-field users the same station and offset reference functionality to locate positions and communicate while on-site. You can access alignment files in the app by tapping Layers and then Designs.

Mobile App Layers to Designs.png

View Alignment

Toggle on the alignment by clicking the checkbox next to it.

Mobile App Browsing.png

Activate alignment

Like the desktop version, the alignment icon will be yellow once activated.

To activate the alignment, move the crosshairs on the map over the one you want to activate.

Mobile App Activate Alignments.png.png

If you want to activate a different alignment, use the crosshair to move over the desired alignment and tap SWAP ALIGNMENT. This will turn off the one currently active.

Mobile App Swap Alignments.png

Use Tools with alignments to help you identify areas of interest on your site. As you pan around the map, you'll notice the alignment and offset update.

Mobile App Alignments Measuring.png

Point measurements

Use a point tool to reference an alignment to view the station and offset at that point.

Select Custom Point from the measurement dropdown menu to create a new point.

Measurement Tools Create a Custom Point Measurement.png

Click on the map to drop the point where you want it. Select Location and any other items you would like from the Customize window and click SAVE.

Custom Point Location.png

Select the alignment to which you want to reference your custom point from the dropdown menu in the information panel.

Custom Point Assign Alignment File.png

Once assigned, it will calculate the station, offset value, and the Northing/Easting/Elevation of the point you created.

Custom Point Station and Offset.png

Click in the name box to rename the point. Once you're ready, click SAVE. The newly created point can be viewed in the MEASURE tab.

To edit an existing point, click on the measurement to open the information panel. Then, add the alignment from the dropdown menu.

Custom Point Assign Alignment File.png

Line measurements

Create cross sections in bulk

Creating many cross sections perpendicular to an alignment can save time and create a more efficient workflow for tracking progress. 

Right click on the alignment and select Create cross sections along alignment.

Alignments Create Cross Section.png

A new box will open where you can customize how the cross sections will be made in bulk.

Add the station Start location and End location where you want your cross sections to be drawn between.

Alignments Cross Section Start and End Location.png

Assign the Left and Right offset.

Alignments Left and Right Offset Equal.png

Offset distances default to mirror the left and right values. However, you can customize the offset on each side by unlinking them and adding separate values to the left or right offset value field.

Alignments Left and Right Offset Not Equal.png

Set your desired Interval between cross section measurements.

Alignments Interval Between Measurements.png

As you edit the cross-section form, the map will update to give you a visual representation of the changes. 

Click the ADD DESIGN/SURVEYbutton and choose a design file or survey to compare the new cross sections.

Alignments Add Design or Survey.png

Click CREATEwhen finished.

The measurement batch is run within a few seconds, and you will get a notification with the number of cross sections generated based on the parameters you entered and the name of the folder created to organize those measurements.

Alignments Confirmation Window.png

You can access this folder of batch-made cross sections in the MEASURE tab.

Alignment Folder.png

Create a single cross section along an alignment

Single cross sections along alignments can be created the same way as creating bulk cross sections by simply making the Start location and End location the same station value.

Alignments Create SIngle Cross Section.png

As with other measurement folders, you can Promote to site, Copy to another dataset, Rename, Delete, and Duplicate your cross sections. 

Click the three dots menu next to the folder and choose the appropriate action. 

Alignments Other Actions.png

You can also Fly to Measurement, Share Measurement, Rename, Duplicate, Copy to another dataset, Export, and Delete individual cross sections. Click on the three dots menu and select the appropriate action.

Alignments Individual Cross Section Actions.png

You can also create and export reports to include cross sections along alignments.


Vertical offsets are not supported yet.

How can I tell if a file in the DESIGNS tab is an alignment?

An icon next to the file will denote the file type.

Alignments Icon.png

Are there special considerations when using LandXML files?

LandXML alignment files can feature many specific geometry types that define their lines, curves, and spirals. 

What are the supported types?


What types are not supported? 

Biquadratic, Bloss, Cosine, Cubic, Sinusoid, RevBiquadratic, RevBloss, RevCosine, RevSinusoid, SinettafWave, BiquadraticParabola, Cubic Parabola, JapaneseCubic, Radioid, ReinerBogen. 

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, you can connect with our support team by clicking the support button on the top right corner of your user portal.

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