Converting KML/KMZ on Ellipsoid Height (Local Grid) Using Trimble Business Center (TBC)


Propeller supports uploading KML/KMZ, GeoJson, etc. as overlays for comparing actual against design.

This article will walk through how to produce KML/KML in ellipsoid heights for local grid jobs so that Propeller will accept them.

(Global sites using EPSG codes can follow these instructions.)


  • TBC (Trimble Business Center) on your computer.
  • .JXL or .DC file for localization.
  • The GCP file in an acceptable format (.csv, .txt or LandXML, etc.)


In TBC, create a new project with the corresponding unit and height

Click Import to load the JXL first, and the points.


After loading the points in, click Export and go to the GIS option to export the GCPs:

Note: We can accept KMZ and KML, and the height is suggested to use Absolute mode.

I still can't do it!

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