Pre-construction Planning Without Survey Data

Use the Base map feature in the SURVEY tab to view basic schematic drawings & designs for pre-construction visualization of data such as site photos and designs. Use it to view and collaborate on your site when you cannot fly or have no survey data.

Getting started

After creating a new site in your portal, you can use the media, designs, and measurement tools to upload site photos and design files or create measurements to prepare for a new project.

If your base map is blank, make sure you have turned it on in the Site settings.

The base map default is 0. To change its elevation, click on the dropdown menu. Then, click on the three dots to open the base map settings. Choose Change elevation. This adjustment aligns design uploads with the base map for more accurate measurements.

Pre Construction Change Basemap Elevation.png

Upload site photos

Use the map to view site inspection photos during pre-bidding/early stages.

From the MEDIA tab, select UPLOAD MEDIA.

Media Tab.png

Upload design files 

Upload early studies and feasibility assessments (for example, environmental assessments, feasibility studies), site plans, civil plans, and utility data. 

From the DESIGNS tab, click UPLOAD DESIGN

Import a Design.png

Drag and drop or browse your computer for the design files you want to upload.

You can upload PDF, DXF, XML, TTM, KML, KMZ, IFC formats.

Upload Design Files.png

Create measurements 

Start preliminary site measurements, such as measuring point-to-point distance, horizontal distance, and surface areas.

From the measurement toolbar, select any measurement tool—point, Line, or Polygon. From the dropdown menu, choose a template or create a custom measurement.

Measurement Toolbar Dropdown Menu.png

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, you can connect with our support team by clicking the support button on the top right corner of your user portal.

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