For sites set up with DirtMate, users can configure Daily Emails to be sent to a list of users. These emails include a summary of load and cycle data, a heatmap of the site's volume moved, and a chart showing the daily volume for the last seven days. These reports are limited to a single workspace and must be modified within the workspace they were created in. They can be sent to a specified list of recipients over a specific time frame (for example, site working hours).
- The DirtMate Daily Emails can only report on information available in the workspace they are set up in.
- Only one DirtMate Daily Email can be set up per site.
DirtMate Daily Email Setup
DirtMate Daily emails can be configured through the OUTPUTS section, under the SCHEDULED REPORTS heading.
To begin, click DirtMate Daily Email to view the configuration options on the right hand side of the screen.
The report has two main parts to configure—the Report Content and Report Schedule. This is also where the report can be deactivated if you no longer wish to receive these emails.
Report Content
When choosing the content to be included in the daily email, the following can be configured specifically:
- Design Surface
- Summary Metrics
- Volumes per area
- Machine activity
Additionally, the following report settings can be enabled or disabled in the daily email with no further configuration:
- Weekly Volume Chart
- Volume heat map
- Machine trail map
If you want a design to be used for comparison in the daily emails, you should select it first. Once selected, the following summary metrics will include the option to compare to that design.
Summary Metrics
The summary metrics are the first thing included in the daily email below the site information (for example, site name, date, etc.). This is a high-level summary of the work captured by DirtMate for the report time frame and can be customized based on the site's needs.
Note that smart cycles will only report for scrapers, and truckloads will only report for trucks unless configured separately. If a design was selected during configuration, cut or fill to design can also be selected as a summary metric alongside cut or fill progress.
Weekly Volume Chart
The weekly Volume Chart shows the trend of daily surface changes tracked in propeller through the last 7 days. Days marked with * indicate that a drone survey was conducted during this period. Volume spikes may occur.
Additional Volume Areas
For any polygon measurement created in Propeller, the DirtMate Daily Emails can use those areas as specific reports of volume moved. Multiple areas can be selected in this section, and the option to compare to design will appear alongside the option to report on progress if a design is selected. Further, the report can be configured to only report on cut or fill in these areas if desired based on the type of work tracked by DirtMate in these areas.
Volume Heatmap
The volume heatmap will display where surface changes (cut or fill) have occurred on the site during the report time frame. No quantities are specifically associated with this heatmap, but it allows a qualitative view of where work took place.
Machine Trail Map
The Machine Trail map indicates where machines have traveled over the report time frame and shows their park-up location at the end of the day.
Machine Activity
The Machine Activity section includes a configurable table of all selected metrics for machines working on the site during the report time frame. Users can select from the following list of metrics to include.
Consider the following when choosing these metrics to include in the machine activity table:
Machine Load Time
- Machine load time is only generated by default for trucks.
Smart Cycles
- Smart cycles will only be generated by default for scrapers.
Truck Loads
- Truck loads will only be generated by default for trucks.
- All refinements visible to the workspace where this daily email has been generated will be used for the report (for example, loading machines, load, and dump zones).
Report Schedule
The report schedule allows for the selection of recipients and determining which time frame the report covers.
When selecting recipients, the users must already have access to the site in Propeller. This report does not require those recipients to have DirtMate access specifically.
Report Time Frame
The report time frame will default to the hours selected during site setup. If you wish to modify this time frame, the duration cannot exceed 24 hours, or the report will fail.
I still can't do it!
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