How to Deactivate and Reactivate a DirtMate Site

While DirtMate sites are active, surfaces will be generated by any installed DirtMates on site. Once a project is wrapping up or the use of DirtMate moves to another site, deactivating the site should take place in the DirtMate Management App to finalize or pause surface generation.

Examples of when to deactivate a site:

  • Project is complete and machines have been mobilized off site
  • The earthwork scope is complete, and drone flights will continue, but DirtMate mappings will not.
  • DirtMates are being moved to a different site
After a site is deactivated, it is possible to reactivate it if needed.

1. To deactivate a site, Open the Propeller Mobile App and select any site and dataset to get started.

2. Navigate to the logo in the top left of the screen to show the DirtMate Management App.

DirtMate Management Pick Site.png

3. Navigate to the DirtMate Sites listing to show all DirtMate sites.

DirtMate Management DirtMate Sites.png

4. Select the desired site to deactivate and tap the pencil in the screen's top right corner.

DirtMate Management App Edit Pencil Site Settings.png

5. Scroll to the bottom of the site listing to reveal the DEACTIVATE SITE button.

DirtMate Management App Deactivate Site.png

6. You will be prompted to confirm the deactivation. Tap DEACTIVATE NOW to confirm.

DirtMate Management App Deactivate Site Now.png

7. The REACTIVATE SITE button is in the same location if reactivation is needed in the future.

DirtMate Management App Reactivate Site.png

I still can't do it!

We wrote these articles to equip you with everything you need to get the job done on your own, but we understand that sometimes this isn't sufficient.

If you're stuck, the Propeller Site Support team may be able to help. You can contact our support team by emailing

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